There is only one thing that matters in the world of marketing. Getting the right people to look at you. If you can seize that right someone’s imagination for three minutes, you’ll have their attention forever. My name is Mark Syro and I’ve been a marketing developer for brands across the world. My passion is in connecting companies with their perfect customers.
Salesmen are often perceived as creepy, brazen, briefcase holding weirdos who are looking to swindle anyone and everyone out of their money. I’m a salesman, and I assure you I don’t carry a briefcase. The modern salesman has transformed quite extensively from their door to door past. We’ve integrated digital analytics, digital content, seo, digital marketing, ppc, demographics and psychographics. The industry has essentially grown up and seized control of a massive array of tools and tricks. The kinds that make connecting with a customer immensely easier. With that, of course, means a whole lot more competition. Which is where my expertise comes into play.
As a director of marketing, my focus was always on snapping my fingers directly in front of the customers face. Waking them up from their stupor and getting them to look at my brand for just a moment. In the world of consumption, a minute is an eternity. If you can get a minute’s worth of attention from a prospective buyer, you can make them a lifelong user. At least, so long as your product is good. If you don’t have a good product, don’t waste your customers’ time. That’s the second most important lesson, right behind do whatever you can to get someone’s attention for a minute.
I now work with business owners and entrepreneurs to take their ideas from concept to reality. Through innovation within the marketing industry, my client’s ventures have been fully funded and seen a return on investment. Through utilizing my techniques, these companies have grown and expanded. By reading this blog and engaging with the content, you’ll be able to transform your company’s marketing into one that is building a consistent and reliable customer base.